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We Live together we Kill together and we Die together

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    shortcuts and minimizer at the end


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    shortcuts and minimizer at the end Empty shortcuts and minimizer at the end

    Message par Mr.Boorito Dim Oct 25, 2009 3:13 am

    Text short cut and Running multiple commands

    Text short cut list
    To see this list in game = Press ~ to get the Console type:




    [a] - last person who gave you ammo
    [d] -the name of the last person who killed you will appear
    [h] -the name of the last person who gave you health will appear
    [k] -the name of the last person you killed will appear
    [l] - your current location
    [n] - your name
    [r] -the name of the last person who revived
    [p] - the name of the teammate you are pointing
    [s] - your health
    [w] - weapon you are currently holding
    [t] - ammo for current weapon

    \bind Vsay

    example, you could bind a message to a key like this:


    /bind k vsay Hi Good day everyone!!!! it's [n]

    /bind <-- the command to a BIND a key
    k <---- the random key you pick (can pick any)
    vsay or vsay_team<--- the command to link to The General Voice chat
    Hi <--- The vsay Statement ->from the list of General Voice chats
    Good day everyone!!!! it's <------- your random message
    [n] <------ the text shortcut

    /bind k vsay Hi Good day everyone!!!! it's [n]

    will hear = Hello/HI!!
    will appear as =
    good day everyone!! it's Moxy

    My favorite short cut binds -- copy away


    /bind x say_buddy thank you [a] !!!!

    will do = will state the name of the last person who gave you ammo [a]
    no sound
    will appear as =
    thank you Moxy !!!



    /bind x say_team thank you [r] !!!!

    will do = will state the name of the last person who revived you last [r]
    no sound
    will appear as =
    thank you Moxy !!!



    /bind x vsay cheer [k] that's right your dead Again!!!!!

    will do = state the name of the last person you killed
    will hear = Yes or Atta way, baby or You got it, man or Yeehaa or Yoohoo
    will appear as
    GUNS_UP! that's right your dead Again!!!!!



    /bind x vsay GreatShot [d] nice one !!!!!!!!!!!!

    will do = [d] state the name of the last person who killed
    will hear = Great shot
    will appear as
    Moxy nice one!!!!!!!!



    /bind x vsay_team welcome no problem [p] your welcome!!!

    will do = will state name of the teammate you are pointing [p]
    will hear = your welcome
    will appear as =
    no problem Moxy your welcome!!!



    /bind x vsay_team needammo Ammo PLS!! for my [w] Only Have [t] shot's

    will do= will state the weapon your holding [w] and the amount of ammo you have left [t]
    will hear= I Need Ammo
    will appear as=
    ammo pls!! for my mp40 only have 12 shot's



    /bind m vsay_team medic Help Me pls! Only Have [s] Health

    will do = state the amount of health you have left [s]
    will hear = Medic
    will appear as =
    help me pls! only have 27 health

    to see a list of your bind in game
    Press ~ to get the console




    Chart so you can add color: What?? Adding Color???
    (Remember when Add color in the console, the color number/letter an the ^ symbol will disappears as you type)
    shortcuts and minimizer at the end Nick_colors
    no sound
    say - goes to all players
    say_team - goes to team players only
    say_buddy-goes to fireteam players only

    With Sound
    vsay - goes to all players
    vsay_team - goes to team players only
    vsay_buddy -goes to fireteam players only
    ->The list of General Voice chats

    Running multiple commands at once " scriptS " for more see script Page

    You can string together multiple commands on one line by using the semicolons ;
    and the quotes " "

    For example, you can use some of the many function Commands and string them together to make a multiple action script.
    This will allow you to press just one key once to performer multiple actions simultaneously.
    An Artillery Strike script:

    \bind " ; ; ; "

    \bind X "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"


    \bind X "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"

    This script lets you call an artillery strike without having to go into
    binocular mode. You simply look at the piece of ground (without
    binoculars) where you want to call the strike and press a key.

    +zoom - Use binoculars
    +attack -Fires weapon, or uses the “weaponbank" object currently selected.
    -zoom - Stops issuing zoom command.
    -attack - Stops issuing command to attack
    www.jvtk.com/scripting/commands.doc+ET+cvars+list&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=50&gl=ca&client=firefox-a" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> Full list of Commands/Cvars

    ET minimizer

    All this program does is minimize RTCW: ET without causing a vid_restart
    ( so you will not have to exit ET to go to windows)
    The hotkey is (Alt+Z.)
    When the program is minimized, it keeps the programs resolution and gamma settings.
    The program itself just stays in the system tray, and can be exited at any time.
    You don't have to do anything with it to make it work with Enemy Territory, just run the program
    ( you will know it is running by looking in your system tray
    Then and in game press Alt-Z to toggle the window's minimized state...

    etmin.zip (21.5 KB) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD!!

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